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Saturday, 15 November 2014

Wrap it Up

Ah! its finally Saturday, what a relief, but the excitement was short lived as the  'Things to do List' which I hung up so proudly on my refrigerator was staring right at me as soon as I entered. The whole idea of lazying around in my pajamas on Sunday now seems like a distant dream. But 'Thou shall not worry' as I am an optimist.

Well, don't you guys think that the weather is finally getting cooler day by day, I am surely feeling it. The best part of this season is that you get to style yourself in layers and the one accessory that spices up the winter wardrobe is the 'Scarf'. For me its like a second skin, a bright scarf is all you need to brighten up a cold wintry day. Whether it is for warmth or just as an ensemble scarves definitely add that extra oomph. In fact, you can actually wear light scarves in summer as well. Actually scarves are available all through out the year, categorized season wise.

Now, there is definitely something about the way, one wears this beautiful piece and it makes a lot of difference. Even I was naïve until couple of years ago but then my besties  taught me as how to wrap these babies. And my experiments with these  are still on.


Well, I am going to shop some more and hope you guys do the same. For now I am going to finish the latest episode of the Big Bang Theory which I just downloaded.

Have a great Weekend Guys.
